Raising New Business Finance

In a good economic climate, being able to raise business finance is vital if your business is going to expand while, in more challenging times, business funding may be essential for your business to survive.

Raising business finance in Cyprus is now a complicated process; with businesses having to justify their financial requirements by means of commercially viable proposals, which not only have to be scrupulously prepared, but also professionally presented in order to be successful.

At I2R Solutions we have the experience in assisting with business finance and we can guide you through all the stages – from preparing a business plan to making a presentation to a financial institution.

How can we Help

  • Advise on commercial business banking law and procedures
  • Assist in negotiations with lenders
  • Provide legal advice on bank documentation
  • Review Sale Purchase Agreements
  • Propose innovative forms of collateral and repayment covenants
  • Facilitate quick and cost effective agreement between stakeholders in complex cases
Experts you can trust