Corporate Independent Business Review And Company Evaluation

Corporate Independent Business Review

When a business is in difficulty, lenders may request an Independent Business Review before finalizing a decision to continue supporting a company or to extend additional lending.

I2R Solutions can work with management to prepare a comprehensive review of all areas of a business’ viability in the short and medium term. Utilising our substantial forensic experience, we often recognise and uncover previously unidentified issues which can materially affect the business plan.

We issue a detailed report of our findings along with recommendations for next actions. Our reports are unbiased, fair and provide an in-depth analysis of the company and its affairs.

Key to our approach is a positive working relationship with the company’s management. We are unobtrusive in our approach and all reports are signed off by company management for factual accuracy before finalization and submission to the bank or lender.

Company Evaluation

Company valuations can be required for a wide variety of reasons. Our team can provide a valuation of a private entity operating in any sector using professional experience and judgement and tried and tested valuation methodologies which stand up to scrutiny.

We can provide valuations for probate purposes, capital acquisitions tax purposes, shareholder disputes, and divorce/separation cases.

Experts you can trust